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Get a Quote

We don’t just sell solar kits, we ensure you get what you need. In addition to providing a quote for your chosen product, our team will guide you through customization options to perfectly meet your specific requirements. This includes:

  • Satellite imagery of your solar layout
  • Tailored system design
  • Total project cost
  • Total estimated savings from tax credits, rebates and 
net metering

Your Custom Solar Quote

Complete the form and expect a detailed quote within 1-2 business days.

I was expecting to buy a solar system, have it delivered to my doorstep, then figure out how to install it. Instead, GoGreenSolar made sure I had a system design that would meet building regulations and helped me through the whole design and permission process.

— David F.

It has been exciting to see electric bills go down as much as 2/3 since my solar panels were installed five months ago. With winter now behind us I’lI look forward to greater savings in the months to come.

— Marian C.

Unlike the “horror stories” and super high cost to go solar that you hear about, everything was simple, easy and efficient from the initial call to turning the system on. Got a much more efficient and powerful system than other people I know, for whole lot less money.

— Ray J.

Talk with us

(866) 798-4435

Mon-Fri: 8am to 5pm PST